Holiday Challenge
The Details
■Row and/or ski 100,000 meters or 200,000 meters from November 24 to 11:59 p.m. ET December 24.
■You do not need to be on a team to participate! Log your individual meters.
■Indoor rower and SkiErg meters only (no on water/on snow meters please). You can combine meters from each machine to reach the challenge goal.
■Kid’s Holiday Challenge allows kids (aged 16 and under) to participate at 50,000 meters.
■Adaptive athletes can choose to participate at the 50k, 100k, or 200k levels.
■Deadline for entering meters: January 4th, 2012.
Row or Ski for Disaster Relief
For the 2011 Holiday Challenge, we’ll be rowing and skiing for disaster relief organizations, both international and in our home state of Vermont, which was hit very hard by Hurricane Irene.
For every person who completes at least 100k during the challenge, Concept2 will donate $.02 for each kilometer (1000 meters) you accumulate to your choice of the following organizations:
■Vermont Disaster Relief Fund
■American Red Cross Disaster Relief (International)
■Unicef—Emergency Relief Programs
Once you get beyond 100k, we’ll donate $.04 per kilometer (for kids and adaptive athletes, the $.04 rate will take effect at 50k). The usual prizes of pin and certificate will be awarded as well.
Our goal through this group effort is to raise $30,000 to support these causes, and every bit adds up! Since adding the donation component to the 2008 Holiday Challenge, together we’ve raised over $80,000 for many great causes!